Skedulomatic Field Force Solution

Make life easier for your field force

It’s not easy in the field. Every day your field force has to overcome traffic snarls, cover large distances, manage multiple call requests, sign in and out, update status, fill in daily visit reports, coordinate with teams and prepare intelligence reports besides completing a number of other hygiene tasks. Leaving them with very little time to focus on the most important person, the customer. Presenting Skedulomatic field force solution. It takes care of all the non-core tasks, enabling your salesforce to provide their undivided attention to the customer.


  • Geo Tagged Attendance

    Get employee's attendance with accurate location & time of punch in/out

  • People Monitoring

    Get real-time reporting of your employee/ customer base, directly from the field

  • GIS Mapping

    View nearby competitors, customers & other POIs

  • Travel Salesman Problem

    Plan the team beat routes in advance and save time in the field

  • Daily Visit Report

    Graphically analyse the daily visit reports/ minutes of meetings

  • Authenticate Reports

    Our solution can record and store the activities of all field force team members making it simple and easy for you to verify actions and approve reports or claims

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